Spartanburg District 4

Spartanburg School District Four is a unique community where southern hospitality and friendliness abound.  Our district supports students in developing world class skills and life and career characteristics of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by personalizing the educational journeys for students from birth through adult education. 

We have 4 schools: Woodruff Primary School (3K - 2nd grade), Woodruff Elementary School (3rd - 5th grade), Woodruff Middle School (6th - 8th grade), and Woodruff High School (9th - 12th grade). We value academic rigor and hold high expectations for student behavior. We believe the climate of the school and the expectations for behaviors are directly related to the academic achievement.

Please visit our schools' websites and view our report card ratings on the SC Department of Education site to determine if our schools fit with your educational philosophy. If so, please contact us. We would love to meet you. We are always looking for teachers who want to become a member of the District Four family.